It is a sobering thought that the finest act
of love you can perform is not an act of
service but an act of contemplation,
of seeing.
When you serve people you help, support,
comfort, alleviate pain.
When you see them in their inner beauty
and goodness you transform and create.
~ Anthony de Mello
Coaching $150- $15,000 a session if you have a $1 million or more.
How can I help? Write me here
Listening testimonials
Thank you for the work that you have done with Environmental Work. It has truly been transformative and important work. Your insights and guidance have helped get us unstuck around a number of issues and provided a path for us to work together more productively.
Roger Tucker, Executive Director (retired)
Environmental Works
Timothy Colman was born to do this work. With a great breadth and depth of psychological, spiritual, and intellectual knowledge; animated by a dynamic curiosity and passion for life, Tim facilitates non-judgmental, eye-opening dialogue and reflection, midwifing new possibilities and personal growth with insight, wisdom, and compassion. You will be enriched, nourished, and enlarged through your interactions.
Alexandra Halsey, writer, editor & tech guru
In just a few months Timothy Colman helped me turn my losses into opportunities and my skills into a career that feeds my soul.
His insight, experience, and ability to go deep into areas that were keeping me stuck, shifted the way I see my future and catapulted my confidence, (plus I lost 15 lbs and got in shape along the way). This is what life coaching is all about!
Blair deLaubenfels, international public speaker
“If I could talk and teach, I might be a sage, but I am only a ferryman, and my task is to ferry people across this river. I have ferried many across, thousands, and for all of them my river has been nothing but a hindrance in their travels. They traveled for money and business, to weddings and on pilgrimages, and the river was in their way, and the ferryman was there to get them swiftly across that hindrance. But for a few among the thousands, a very few, four or five, the river was no hindrance, They heard its voice, they listened to it, and the river became sacred for them, as it is for me. Let us now retire for the night, Siddhartha.”
― Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha